Vertical Axis Wind Turbine
This was the final design project for ENGN 1930U: Renewable Energy Technologies. It required extensive research or turbine construction to design, prototype and manufacture a functioning vertical axis wind turbine to operate in outdoor conditions.
Design and construct a device to be placed on the roof of Brown’s engineering building that renewable generates energy.
As a team of three students, we started by researching various existing vertical axis turbine designs. Due to its high maximum efficiency, we decided on a darrieus turbine design. We determined that the turbine would have to reach a height of six feet tall to have the desired power output. From there we began work on the turbine design. Through various design iterations, we determined the optimal configurations of the various assemblies. These included an interchangeable attachment mechanism allowing different blade designs to easily be secured to the turbine rotor. This allowed efficient testing of different blade designs to determine the optimal geometry. Furthermore, a series of bearings was designed to connect the rotating outer drive shaft to a central shaft providing structural support. A chain and sprocket assembly were designed to connect the drive shaft to a generator. The sprocket diameters were chosen to maximize power output and a generator stand was built to hold the generator firmly in position. A turbine stand securing the structural central shaft of the rotor assembly was then designed. Finally, a protective housing for the generator stand and turbine stand was designed.
Ultimately the design was used to generate a list of parts to be ordered and manufactured. The various bearings, flanges, sprockets, and shafts were then purchased and machined to properly fit together. The assembled turbine spun freely and powered a smaller generator.
The final turbine was fully assembled on a temporary platform to test its functionality. Future iterations of the course will be responsible for improving the turbine and installing it once a suitable deck has been built on the roof to accommodate it.