Work for Dassault Systèmes
Testimonial From My Manager
"It was a pleasure working with John. We were very impressed with John's self motivation and initiative. During the internship, he handled the most Beta Service Requests of all the interns (over double the average). He accomplished this by taking on more than he was assigned, working independently, and being very self sufficient to finding solutions to problems. John was also very engaged in all team projects, taking on leadership roles and collaborating well with other interns."
- Kaira Lujan
SOLIDWORKS Technical Support Engineer at Dassault Systèmes
Beta Service Requests
In order to get the 2020 version of the SOLIDWORKS software ready for release, customers enrolled in the SOLIDWORKS Beta program would submit bug reports about faulty features. My job was to go through the service requests, determine their severity, their customer impact, and ensure that the issue described was reproducible in the software. For those issues which were reproducible, I would write up reports describing both how to produce the error and potential workarounds. From my reports the development team would then work to address the underlying problem. By the end of my internship, I had completed 100 beta service requests.

Number of Service Requests completed by each tech
support intern with 1 week left in the internship
Won the 3D by Me Marketing Pitch Competition
3D by Me is a new product Dassault is working on with the goal of bringing 3D to the general public by providing them a platform where they can share, modify, create, and engage with various forms of 3D models. Eight groups of 3-4 interns were tasked with generating a creative strategy that can be implemented to bring the product to market in 2020.
Working with my fellow interns I devised a unique idea of a platform that would allow users to interact with 3D models even if they have no CAD experience. This would consist of a virtual 3-dimensional plane where visitors could vote for their favorite designs. The most voted for designs would then appear visually larger on the plane visually connoting their popularity.

In the presentation below, I was responsible for creating slides 2-8 and 14, which cover the details of the idea and why it would be successful. The other members of my group spoke to the target market, social media strategy, and budget it would require.
Our group's idea was chosen as the winner among the eight groups competing by the SOLIDWORKS executives present, including CEO Gian Paolo Bassi.

Won the Catapult Competition
Together with the other technical support interns, I helped design and build a catapult for the office-wide catapult competition. This contest included designs made by both full-time employees and interns and to provide a fun engineering challenge using Solidworks. One of my contributions to the project was designing an adjustable mechanism allowing it to be honed for optimal performance in both the distance and accuracy categories of the competition. I was also one of the two primary builders and come competition day was selected to conduct the launches. We ended up winning both categories of the competition (accuracy and distance).